Turmezey Strikes Back Against Sengphet

WSOPC Ring Event #10: $1,700 NLHE Main Event
Level 27: Blinds 25,000 – 50,000
/ BBA 50,000
4 / 256 Entries Remaining

The next three-bet pot between La Sengphet and Peter Turmezey unfolded when the former opened to 105,000 and called the three-bet to 300,000 by Turmezey. Sengphet check-raised the Kc9h3s flop from 225,000 to 610,000 and earned a call from Turmezey. She then opted to check the 4c on the turn and Turmezey bet 425,000 to win the pot without resistance.

La Sengphet – 2,725,000
Peter Turmezey – 3,850,000

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